Infant Care

Our Infant Care Program

We maintain a small infant care area, where we care for no more than four babies at a time. The Infant Room and its equipment are kept apart from the rest of the facility to maintain a sanitary environment for our infants. Our babies receive very special care from our dedicated baby whisperer. Plus we maintain a baby/adult ratio of 4:1.


Please see our pricing page for the latest hourly and full/part-time rates.

Infant Room

We have a shoe-free policy for anyone entering the Infant Room. A daily activity sheet will be sent home on each visit.

Supplies to Bring

Full-time/Part-Time children may keep a stock of items in our Infant Room for the week. Supplies you should consider bringing:

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Extra clothes
  • Binkie or other comfort items
  • Tummy time blanket
  • Bottles
  • Feeding supplies
  • Sippy cup
  • Food/snacks
  • Pack-n-Play size fitted sheet

Short stay (2-4 hours)

Please have a formula or breastmilk bottle prepared if your child will need to be fed while at our facility.

All day stay

Send a daily schedule with your child- we’ll do our best to keep your child on a schedule.


Parents must complete an Infant Care form (with feeding, sleeping, comfort, etc details) and update it each month or when changes are made. We do not wake sleeping babies to feed them unless asked to do so by the parent(s). Please let us know how your baby takes his/her bottle (cold/room temperature/warmed).


You can send premade bottles or bottles with water and separate formula to mix when needed


You can send in premeasured frozen bags and we will thaw them with warm water or prepared bottles we will refrigerate and warm when needed.


If needed, please give pain medication before staying, we will not give medications. If your baby is on solids, we recommend frozen fruit in a mesh/silicone-type teether. Please let us know if your child is teething.


How does your child sleep? Swaddled, rocked to sleep, do you practice CIO? Is your child easily awoken or are they sound sleepers?

First Stay Information

Please make sure all required forms are completed. We must have a copy of the most recent vaccination record and a full health form filled out by the child’s physician’s office within 45 days. Infant health forms are due every time the child has a well-child visit. (4 mo, 6 mo, 9 mo, and 12 mo) You will sign your child into our facility every stay. Infants have a different sign-in sheet than older children.

We try to be as accommodating as we can be with all of our families. Please let us know what milestones your child has hit or is working on, we will work with them while they are in our care. Please read through our facility handbook and if you have any other questions, please contact us.

Infant Care Documents